Let's get rhythmical
Rhythmisch is an app to help you build habits. Check out the app.
Keep it simple
No accounts, streaks, leaderboards, metrics or anything else to get in the way. It's ready for you to get started now. Your data is stored on your device and is never sent anywhere.
Habits built on Rhythms
A rhythm represents the habit you are trying to build. What, how often, and why.
The 14 horizontal dots represent a two week window into your progress. A solid dot represents a day where a habit has been completed, and the following days represent the cooldown based on the rhythm frequency.
Focus on today
Rhythmisch gives you one daily target to track per rhythm. Each rhythm has a circle in a stripe, solid when it's completed and blurry when it isn't.
Go ahead give the test target a click! 👉
Current status: Not yet done for today
Open and Free
Rhythmisch does not cost anything and the code is open source on GitHub.
Learn more about the app on the FAQ page. Send any questions or comments to me on twitter.